Sunday, January 02, 2005


Those Peace Loving Palestinians

Just when you think that with Yasser dead we can make progress, the heir apparent, Abbas, says this.

"We will not use force with Hamas but we will use the way of persuasion and negotiation," he said.
"We consider that fighting among Palestinians is a red line that must not be crossed."
The Associated Press news agency said the presidential front-runner had gone even further and vowed to protect the militants from Israeli attacks.
"When we see them, when we meet them, and when they welcome us, we owe them," AP quoted him as saying.
"This debt always is to protect them from assassination, to protect them from killing, and all these things they are subject to by the Israelis."

Sounds to me like they have a new guy, same agenda.
See the rest of the story from BBC News at

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