Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Who is John Gault?
Over at National Review they're celebrating their 50th aniversery, so they are posting some of their best stories from the magazine on their website. Today they have a review of Atlas Shrugged from 1957. Atlas Shrugged has always been a favorate book of mine, but I always had qualms about the lack of morality in it, and its obvious charicatures. The review at National Review best displays the full implications of Atlas Shrugged, as a capitalist manafesto where there is no God, and all is centered around a new "super man" who's only moral code is to advance his own self interest. It is a very telling review and I recommend it to any who have read the book. For those of you who have not read the book, I still recomend reading it, for it is still a very good book.