Thursday, February 03, 2005


State of the Union

Did you guys see the state of the union last night? It was like a conservative wish list. Cutting wasteful programs, tort reform, reforming the tax code, reforming Social Security, a Consitutional Amendment to protect marrage! Amazing stuff! And then he called out Saudia Arabia and Egypt, asking them to implimet democratic change. Who would have thought? If he does half of this stuff he will go down as one of the greatest conservative Presidents ever! And the Iraqi woman and the Mother of the Marine. When they hugged I almost cried, and many people I talked to did. A staffer at the office where I intern at called it "the greatest political speech I ever heard" I would have to agree with her wholeheartedly

Sunday, January 30, 2005


Iraq the Democracy!

Today is an amazing day, a day that will go down in history. Today the Iraqis have come out in mass to speak against the terrorists and the tyrants. Anywhere from 60% to 70% of the population has voted. This is an amazing number, and very unexpected. This puts the United States to shame, considering this is at or greater than the amount of Americans that voted. Anywhere from 25 to 40 Iraqis died today trying to vote. How glorious it is to die for democracy, exercising your rights. Better to die as a free man than live as a slave. Also as Thomas Jefferson once said "From time to time the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of Patriots and tyrants" I will admit earlier I was skeptical of how wise it would be hold elections with such poor security. But the Iraqis and the Multinational forces were able to increase security, crack down on the terrorists, and while even one death is horrible, this is a lot less than what most thought. In a land that has known nothing but Kings, dictators, and various tyrants a democracy has been born. "A people in darkness have seen a great light" May freedom spread forth to the rest of the Middle East and to the far parts of the world. Welcome to Freedom Iraq. It's a Brave New World.

Sunday, January 23, 2005


Enemies of Democracy

In these past few years we have heard the President speak about how the terrorists hate our freedoms and our way of life, and wish to destroy it. At the same time we have heard the left say that the terrorists don't really hate our freedoms, that's too much of a simplistic view, they hate our support of Israel and our placeing of troops in Saudi Arabia, and if we didn't do such things they wouldn't be so mad at us. Well the leader of Al'Qaeda in Iraq, Al'Zarqawi, has made it clear in his latest release,
On this audio tape he states that "We have declared a bitter war against democracy and all who wish to enact it." He calls democracy "the big American lie." He then states that "Democracy is also based on the right to choose your own religion(and that) is agains the will of God" He goes on to talk about how he fears the rise of the Shitte in the current elections and that they will spread their beliefs across the muslim world. Ladies and Gentlemen, make no mistake, this is the enemy we're fighting. They do hate our freedoms, they do hate our form of government, and they do want to destroy us. His words provide a clear contrast to the words of President Bush. By the enemy's own admition we are fighting over democracy in Iraq, in the greater middle east, and for the existance of democracy as the best form of government. We shall win, but we must stand firm.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005



Hey everybody, I just started my internship at my Congressman's office. It looks like it'll be ok, mainly clerical work. Right now they have me updating their directory of elected officals, my first phone call to confirm information was interesting....I got the cleck of court's home! Luckly she was nice about it and gave me another number to call. I then come to find out that every number in the directory is most likely home phone numbers. So I spent most of yesterday searching for the work numbers of the clercks, which I think I found. So it looks to be interesting.

Monday, January 10, 2005


Palestinians elect Abbas

Well the Palestinians have elected Abbas President of the Palestinian Authority.
Are we not surpirsed? Now I'm not completely sure but if this puts him into the exact same posistion as Arafat was in, this means he's President for life. Well at least the people can say they elected their new leviathan. I'd like to think this change will make a diffrence, will cause some break through, but I think the Who said it best "say hi to the new boss, same as the old boss"

Thursday, January 06, 2005


A humble idea

I was sitting around today, and I thought to myself, you know our current National Anthem is cool, but it's real hard to sing. I've heard about some people wanting to make America the Beautiful our national anthem instead the Star Spangled Banner because it's easier to sing. But I was thinking that if we need to change National Anthem we should change it to something that represents our times better than America the Beautiful. So I was wondering what type of song would best be our national anthem. Then it hit me, America F*#k Yeah from the movie Team America. The lyics go something like this:

America, f@#k yeah.Comin' again to save the motherf@#king day yeah.America, f@#k yeah.Freedom is the only way yeah.Terrorist your game is through.Now you have to answer to America, f@#k yeah.America, f@#k yeah.

As you can see, I think this really echos the sentaments of the American people, America f@#k yeah! Think about it, at the opening of the world series
"Please rise for the National Anthem"
and the whole stadium goes, "America, f@#k yeah!"
Some naysayers may say that the Star Spangled Banner should stay as the National Anthem because it was first written during a major battle. But America F@#K Yeah helped us win a major battle. During the battle of Falujia the US Psy Ops Troops played America F@#K Yeah, and it helped the terrorist know that "Terrorist you game is through. Now you have to anwer to America, f@#k yeah!" If it's good enough for our troops in Iraq, it's good enough for our schools, baseball parks, and US Congress. Also we know how pop stars love to butcher the Star Spangled Banner at the Super Bowl and other major sporting events. With America F@#K Yeah, any pop star can sing that with pride. I hope all Americans will unite behind my dream, my dream that from New York to LA first graders will one day gather in their classrooms, place their hands over their little hearts, and sing "America, f@#k yeah.Comin' again to save the motherf@#king day yeah.America, f@#k yeah.Freedom is the only way yeah.Terrorist your game is through.Now you have to answer to America, f@#k yeah.America, f@#k yeah."

Good night and America, f@#k ya!

Wednesday, January 05, 2005


Who is John Gault?

Over at National Review they're celebrating their 50th aniversery, so they are posting some of their best stories from the magazine on their website. Today they have a review of Atlas Shrugged from 1957. Atlas Shrugged has always been a favorate book of mine, but I always had qualms about the lack of morality in it, and its obvious charicatures. The review at National Review best displays the full implications of Atlas Shrugged, as a capitalist manafesto where there is no God, and all is centered around a new "super man" who's only moral code is to advance his own self interest. It is a very telling review and I recommend it to any who have read the book. For those of you who have not read the book, I still recomend reading it, for it is still a very good book.

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